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November 22, 2017Awesome Ariana Grande at Lloyd’s Studio
March 27, 2018President Lincoln’s Professional Head-Shots
President Lincoln's Professional Head-Shots
When Mr. Lincoln decided to run for the nation's highest office, one of the first steps he took was to go to his Professional Photographer's Photography Studio for what would essentially be President Lincoln's Professional Head-Shots. Even then he somehow knew the power of marketing and a professional polished image! Though back then most people did not think along these lines, most people thought of a photograph of themselves as a precious keepsake for themselves and their family, photography was not only precious but quite rare, like that of a cameo. Like President Lincoln's Professional Headshots, this rare new commodity, Personal Photographs, were actually becoming more popular each day, indeed people saved up money in order to have a portrait taken of them selves. These photo-shoots and the resulting photographs would likely be the one and only time in their lives people would have "recorded" their likeness. No thousands of disposable instant selfies were available then like they are today.President Lincoln's Professional Head-Shots: A New Medium For Promoting Yourself
So the fact that President Lincoln had the foresight of investing time and money on photographs of himself, not for his personal use, but to promote himself is quite the thought! Then again this man was thought by his contemporaries and everyone at large to be an intellectual powerhouse. Over his lifetime and even today, he was said to be one of the most recognizable people around, indeed one of his portraits was used as the basis for one of the first stamps with his likeness on it. His image has now become iconic and all this came about because he saw the power of Photography and what he could do with it.How President Lincoln's Professional Head-Shots helped his Image
Let's face it, Lincoln knew that people made fun of his appearance, he was not a good looking man. Never the less he keenly decided to make lemonade out of lemons sort of speak. He turned a negative into a positive get it? LOL. He turned his looks into a very recognizable "brand" through the use of a fairly new although esoteric technology, PHOTOGRAPHY.