
Our Blog keeps up to date with our latest photo-shoot offerings and photo-musings!

President Lincoln's Professional Head-Shots

Artist's Rendering of How a modern portrait of President Lincoln might look like today.

When Mr. Lincoln decided to run for the nation's highest office, one of the first steps he took was to go to his Professional Photographer's Photography Studio for what would essentially be President Lincoln's Professional Head-Shots. Even then he somehow knew the power of marketing and a professional polished image! Though back then most people did not think along these lines, most people thought of a photograph of themselves as a precious keepsake for themselves and their family, photography was not only precious but quite rare.

Why You Should Get A Professional Headshot

In A Nutshell: Because It's Your First Impression

When you decide to post a Professional Headshot anywhere on line, you are creating the first impression of yourself and introducing yourself to the world. You are communicating something about yourself. Nowadays, employers and anyone seeking to hire, collaborate or work with, turn to social media like Linked-in, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to check YOU out. Others may just Google you, you probably have done this yourself! When they do this, your Professional Headshot is bound to be the first thing they see in their search results. Here is where you will make the cut or not. In a previous blog post of mine, I mentioned that when President Lincoln, (yes the one on the penny) first decided to run for president, the first thing he did was to make an appointment at his photographer's studio for his headshot. Even back then he knew the power of optics and branding.
The Professional headshot is a window into who you are, your personality and your style. Therefore, you should reflect the persona and visual style you want to project.
If you are a business owner, a custom business headshot is an extension of your cohesive brand and your corporate identity. If you have multiple employees, the headshots should reflect a unified look while showcasing each individual's personality.

President Lincoln's Professional Head-Shots

Artist's Rendering of How a modern portrait of President Lincoln might look like today.

When Mr. Lincoln decided to run for the nation's highest office, one of the first steps he took was to go to his Professional Photographer's Photography Studio for what would essentially be President Lincoln's Professional Head-Shots. Even then he somehow knew the power of marketing and a professional polished image! Though back then most people did not think along these lines, most people thought of a photograph of themselves as a precious keepsake for themselves and their family, photography was not only precious but quite rare.

Why You Should Get A Professional Headshot

In A Nutshell: Because It's Your First Impression

When you decide to post a Professional Headshot anywhere on line, you are creating the first impression of yourself and introducing yourself to the world. You are communicating something about yourself. Nowadays, employers and anyone seeking to hire, collaborate or work with, turn to social media like Linked-in, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to check YOU out. Others may just Google you, you probably have done this yourself! When they do this, your Professional Headshot is bound to be the first thing they see in their search results. Here is where you will make the cut or not. In a previous blog post of mine, I mentioned that when President Lincoln, (yes the one on the penny) first decided to run for president, the first thing he did was to make an appointment at his photographer's studio for his headshot. Even back then he knew the power of optics and branding.
The Professional headshot is a window into who you are, your personality and your style. Therefore, you should reflect the persona and visual style you want to project.
If you are a business owner, a custom business headshot is an extension of your cohesive brand and your corporate identity. If you have multiple employees, the headshots should reflect a unified look while showcasing each individual's personality.

Why You Should Get A Professional Headshot

In A Nutshell: Because It's Your First Impression

When you decide to post a Professional Headshot anywhere on line, you are creating the first impression of yourself and introducing yourself to the world. You are communicating something about yourself. Nowadays, employers and anyone seeking to hire, collaborate or work with, turn to social media like Linked-in, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to check YOU out. Others may just Google you, you probably have done this yourself! When they do this, your Professional Headshot is bound to be the first thing they see in their search results. Here is where you will make the cut or not. In a previous blog post of mine, I mentioned that when President Lincoln, (yes the one on the penny) first decided to run for president, the first thing he did was to make an appointment at his photographer's studio for his headshot. Even back then he knew the power of optics and branding.
The Professional headshot is a window into who you are, your personality and your style. Therefore, you should reflect the persona and visual style you want to project.
If you are a business owner, a custom business headshot is an extension of your cohesive brand and your corporate identity. If you have multiple employees, the headshots should reflect a unified look while showcasing each individual's personality.

June 22, 2012

NASCAR at Lloyd’s Studio!

NASCAR at Lloyd’s Studio Well a real NASCAR DRIVER! We recently photographed NASCAR driver Cesar Bacarella  for his publicity shots. NASCAR at Lloyd’s Studio!    
October 24, 2012
CHICAGO MUSICAL at Lloyds Studio

CHICAGO MUSICAL at Lloyds Studio

CHICAGO MUSICAL at Lloyds Studio The Boca Raton Theater Guild is producing “Chicago” (directed by Keith Garisson) and we were delighted to be part of the […]
June 22, 2012

NASCAR at Lloyd’s Studio!

NASCAR at Lloyd’s Studio Well a real NASCAR DRIVER! We recently photographed NASCAR driver Cesar Bacarella  for his publicity shots. NASCAR at Lloyd’s Studio!    
May 18, 2012
Watch Photography by Lloyds Studio

Watch Photography by Lloyds Studio

Watch Photography by Lloyds Studio Watch photography is one of my favorite subjects, especially when it’s a cool set of designs. Recently we were commissioned to […]
May 2, 2012
Magazine Cover Shot

Magazine Cover Shot

Magazine Cover Shot Here we created an intriguing shot for the cover of a Magazine.  The idea was to convey mystery, what is that???? To find […]
October 16, 2011
Awesome Cartier Glasses Photo-shoot

Awesome Cartier Glasses Photo-shoot

Cartier Glasses Photo-shoot An exclusive Cartier Glasses Photo-shoot at Lloyd’s Studio! Our client contacted us as he is a Cartier dealer to do the photography for his […]
September 25, 2011
Truly A Renaissance Man Photo-Shoot

Truly A Renaissance Man Photo-Shoot

Renaissance Man Photo-Shoot Recently we photographed Mr. Alterman, a true “Renaissance Man” for his latest CD cover.  Among the many attributes, he is a singer, British […]
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